
Levy Recapitulation - Other: 

Selecting the PT-76O form record in the Form Group table will take the user to the form page. On the form page the information will appear a shown below. Note that the does not contain and records by default.

Data Entry

Users can enter no levy tax data in the form by selecting the blue Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Selecting the add button will take the user to the Add Other Recap Item page as shown below.

The user must enter the following data to add a record:

  • Type (Required): The type of item being added, currently only option is Special Assessment
  • Valuation (Required): The amount of value for the area
  • Tax Levy (Required): The amount of tax levy for item
  • Amount of Tax (Required): The amount of tax collected
  • Description: A description of the item

Once the user has entered the required fields they can select the green Save button to add the data to the table. The user will be returned to the index page.

Edit Records

To edit an existing record, select the actions button (to the left of the record) and select Edit. The user will be taken to the Add/Edit Other Recap Item page where any of the entered values can be edited.

Delete Records

To Delete an existing record, select the actions button (to the left of the record) and select Delete. The user will receive a confirmation modal confirming the deletion. To delete the record, select the red Yes button. The record will be deleted and the user will be returned to the index page.


To lock in the values for submission, use the blue Complete button, then confirm that you wish to mark the form as complete.

Note: Users can re-open the form by using the 'Reset Complete' button that appears once the form is marked as 'Complete'.