
The Filer Certification is used to verify and cross check the forms withing the abstract form group. The certification performs four (4) validation checks:

  • Form Completion: Checks that all forms within the group have been marked as complete.
  • PT-67/Factored Growth: (PT-67 "Equalized Value")=∑ (Factored Growth "Current Year Value") for all districts except TIF
  • TIF Cert/Factored Growth:  TIF "Increment Value"=∑ (Factored Growth Current Year Value) for TIF all TIF districts
  • PT-67/Discretionary Report: ∑ (PT-67 "Discretionary Value")=∑ (Factored Growth "Values Deducted from") for all school districts

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The Filer Certification task validates that all requirements have been met prior to final submission to DOR. The page contains a table of validation results, a certification checkbox and filer comment area.

The validation table checks the following four items:

  • Form Completion: Checks that all forms within the group have been marked as complete.
  • PT-67/Factored Growth: (PT-67 "Equalized Value")=∑ (Factored Growth "Current Year Value") for all districts except TIF
  • TIF Cert/Factored Growth:  TIF "Increment Value"=∑ (Factored Growth Current Year Value) for TIF all TIF districts
  • PT-67/Discretionary Report: ∑ (PT-67 "Discretionary Value")=∑ (Factored Growth "Values Deducted from") for all school districts

If any of the validation results Fail, the table will display a status of "Fail" and the Description field will identify the defect with the filing. Once all validation results are marked with a status of "Pass" the user may proceed to acknowledging the filer disclaimer. To acknowledge the disclaimer, check the box to the left of the statement. Following the acknowledgement, the Complete button will become enabled. Selecting the Complete button will prompt the user to confirm their submission, selecting Yes will submit your data to the state, selecting No will return the user to the Filer Certification.