If you require an account for the VTPIE portal or the VTPIE GIS portal please contact us at [email protected] or submit a new support ticket here.

A Note about VTPIE Portal Accounts
Each VTPIE account is associated with a unique email address; no two accounts can share an email. In addition, Vermont state IT security policy dictates that an account can not be used from two locations (e.g., computers) simultaneously. Because of this, we do not recommend sharing a portal account with other individuals. Therefore, if your office requires multiple accounts for multiple staff, each account must have its own unique email address.

1. Once your account request has been processed you will receive an email from [email protected]

2. Select the blue "Click here to activate your account" link

3. You will be taken to the end user agreement as shown below.

4. Select the checkbox to the left of the text that reads "I have read the 'End User License Agreement' and agree.

5. Select the green "I Agree" button. (Note if the button is disabled you are using an older browser. Please update your browser to a current version)

6. User will be taken to the Password creation page

7. Enter your password in the Password and Confirm Password fields. Note your password must be at least 8 characters and include an uppercase letter a, a lower case letter, number and special character.

8. Select the green "Submit" button. If your password meets the system requirements you will be taken to the login page with a verification ribbon at the top of the screen.

9. Enter your email in the Username field

10. Enter your password in the Password field

11. Select the blue "Login" button. If successfully logged in the user will be taken to the Security Questions page.

12. Select three security questions and enter their respective answers in the Answer fields.

13. Select the green "Save" button

Account Creation Complete