The value of property that is part of a telecommunications system is determined according to the special method of valuation as described in Section 7-36-30 NMSA 1978, as updated or renumbered.
This is the form schedule per filer category:
Filer Type | T1U | T2 | T2H | T2I | T2S | T6 | T8 | T9 |
310-Communication: Telephone - Unitary | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
340-Communication: Microwave - Unitary | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Form Schedule
- CAB-T1U: Calculates the New Mexico factor
- CAB-T2: This form captures income, expense, stock and debt, and cost approach data in a single form
- CAB-T2H: This form calculated a holding company factor (if applicable)
- CAB-T2I: This form captures intangibles information (if applicable)
- CAB-T2S: This form captures company stock schedules (if applicable)
- CAB-T6: This form captures the asset mileage by tax district
- CAB-T8: This form captures leased property (if applicable)
- CAB-T9: This form captures non-operating property (if applicable)
Required Attachments