Once you have completed the review of the forms within a group, the Filer Certification tasks must be completed to finalize the process. Once the Filer Certification task is complete, the forms within the group are submitted for review.
Selecting the Filer Certification in the Form Group table will take the user to the Certification page as shown below. The Certification Page has two sections: (1) Checklist, and (2) Comments.
The checklist contains a list of items that must be acknowledge by the reviewer prior to completing the Certification task. Required items have a red asterisk (*).
Optional area for the reviewer to enter their overall comments.
Growth Form Certification
The user must check the acknowledgement to indicate that they understand the statutory requirements when submitting the data by selecting the checkbox to the left of the statement. To complete the review, select the blue Complete button. Note that comments can be entered if desired in the Comments field.