Following completion of the instructions below, please email the export to [email protected] with the subject line "PTD CAMA Report". 

After running the State CAMA program and seeing the screen below follow the instructions (starting at Step 1) to download and send the file to the PTD.

Step 1: Click on the Transfer Data From on the top menu bar

Step 2: Do the following when prompted

    File Name (under IBMi not PC): ASRF/AXMCAMZ

    Select Browse Button

Step 4: Do the following when prompted:

    Select the location for the file to be exported to

    Press Open Button

Step 5: Do the following when Prompted:

    Select Details Button

Step 6: Do the following when Prompted:

    Select "Comma Separated Variable (CSV)"

    Uncheck the box labeled "Save transfer description"

    Select OK Button

Step 7:  Select File Menu (upper left hand corner) and Select Properties

Step 8: Do the following when prompted:

    Uncheck the box labeled "Covert CCSID..."

    Select OK Button

Step 9: Select the Transfer data from IBM i Button

Following completion of the instructions below, please email the export to [email protected] with the subject line "PTD CAMA Report".