1. Download the NHDRA_V6.5.wrp file to the Vision 6 folder (C:\Vision6)
  2. In Vision, go to Reports on the navigation tree and select Report Wizard.
  3. Select Open.

  4. Browse to the Vision6 folder on your local C:\ drive in the Look in: box.
  5. Click on NHDRA_V6.5.wrp and click Open. If you do not see the NHDRA_V6.5.wrp file please contact [email protected].
  6. This will bring you to the Tables screen.  Click the << Back button.
  7. Click CSV Data File.
  8. Click the Next >> button 3 times until you reach the Selection Criteria screen.
  9. Click Finish!

  10. In the Save in: box, browse to the Vision6 folder on the C:\ drive.

  11. Enter your Town Name underscore Date in the File Name box and click Save.

    (Example for Durham data exported on June 27, 2018 the file name would be: Durham_6.27.18.csv)

  12. Wait for the stop sign to disappear.
  13. Minimize the Vision application by clicking the button in the top right corner.
  14. Right click on My Computer and select Explore.
  15. Select the Vision6 folder from the C:\Drive.

  16. Scroll down and find your images file.  It will be named with your town name and export date followed by .cvs (ex: Durham_6.27.18.csv). This file can be sent to via email. Please send the file to [email protected].