The MS-1 Landing Page lists the municipalities assigned to your account and their associated village districts. The page tracks the status of the MS-1 E-File and the signed MS-1 upload for each entity. 

To begin the MS-1 process, either click "Continue" next to the municipality or village district or click "Upload XML" to upload an import an XML file from your CAMA system (see: MS-1 XML Upload).

You can delete your MS-1 and start over by clicking "Delete" beside the "Continue" button.

After your MS-1 is submitted, the "Continue" button will change to a blue "View" button, that allows you to look at the MS-1 in a read-only format. 

E-File Statuses

  • Not Filed: indicates that the MS-1 process has not yet been started for the entity
  • Uploaded: indicates that an XML file from a CAMA system has been uploaded and imported, but that you have not yet reviewed the imported data
  • In-Progress: indicates that the MS-1 has been started or uploaded and that you have not yet submitted
  • Submitted: indicates that the MS-1 has been successfully submitted.

Upload XML

This button is only available if no MS-1 has been started for the entity. It will bring you to the MS-1 XML upload interface (see: MS-1 XML Upload).

Upload Signed Copy

This button becomes available after the MS-1 has been fully submitted. The MS-1 report must be printed, signed by authorized parties, scanned, and uploaded to complete the MS-1 submission process. After the Signed Copy is uploaded, the button above will disappear and be replaced with a button to "View" or "Delete" the MS-1 Signed Copy.


You can file a request for an extension at any time by clicking the request button and filling out the form that follows. Once you have completed the request, the status of that request will be displayed in the extension column next to the "Request" button. Hovering over the request will show you who requested the extension and when. You can click the status (Requested, Approved, Denied) at any time to review any updates that may be included. (see: Requesting Extensions)