General Definition
Agents to Expend
RSA 35:15, I
RSA 198:20-c,I
Voters appoint an official to expend from CRF or expendable trust fund without further approval

Change in the amount of an appropriation at the annual meeting; the purpose cannot be changed
RSA 32:3, I
Authorization to expend municipal funds for a specific purpose
RSA 32:3, II
Amount of money authorized to be expended for a specific purpose
Rev 1904
CPA or locally elected municipal auditor
RSA 32:3, III
List of recommended appropriations and anticipated revenues as warned in the warrant and budget form to be addressed by voters.
Budget Committee
RSA 32:14 though 24
Official committee whose main objective is to prepare budgets and hold budget hearings
Budget Committee Supplemental Schedule

Form used to calculate the 10% maximum allowable increase to the posted MS-737 and MS-27
Budget Forms
RSA 21-J:34,VI
Rev 1707
Forms prescribed by DRA to post with warrant (MS-636, MS-6c, MS-737, MS-26, MS-26c, MS-27)
Calendar Days
RSA 80:54
Calendar days with Sunday and holidays included
Capital Reserve Fund (CRF)
RSA 35
Fund established for the purpose of saving money to finance a specific capital improvement at a future date
Contingency Funds
RSA 31:98-a
RSA 52:4-a
RSA 198:4-b
Funds that may be set aside for unanticipated expenditures in towns, village districts or schools annually by an article in the warrant
Default Budget
RSA 40:13, IX(b)
Budget that is adopted in an SB2 municipality if the proposed operating budget article fails
Deliberative Session
RSA 40:13, III and IV
First session of the annual meeting in an SB2 community to discuss, debate and explain proposed warrant articles
RSA 21-J
NH Department of Revenue Administration sets property tax rates and provides technical assistance
Disallowed Appropriation
RSA 21-J:35
Appropriation inconsistent with procedural requirements of law
Election Ballot
RSA 669:14
Ballot to be used for the election of municipal officials
Escape Clause

Clause contained in a lease/purchase agreement that permits the termination of a lease for non-appropriation on an annual basis
Fiduciary Funds
Rev 1703.01(b)
Assets held by municipality for other parties that cannot be used to finance the municipality’s own operating programs
Fiscal Funding Clause

Clause contained in a lease/purchase agreement that permits the termination of a lease for non-appropriation on an annual basis
Fiscal Year
Rev 1902.01
January 1 through December 31 budget year (See optional fiscal year) 
Fund Balance (See Surplus) 
Rev 1706.03
Rev 1110.02(d)
Balance sheet amount remaining after subtracting liabilities from assets
Governing Body
RSA 21:29
RSA 41:8
RSA 44:3
RSA 52:3-a
Selectmen; Village District Commissioners; School Board; City Council
Government Funds
Rev 1703.01(a)
The general fund to account for all financial resources of the municipality except those required to be accounted for in another fund
Gross Budget
RSA 32:5
Budget must include ALL appropriations (even those with offsetting revenues) 
Legislative Body
RSA 21:47
The voters at town, school district, or village district meeting; City Council
RSA 672:10
Rev 1701.10
Rev 1901.05
City, town or unincorporated place
Negotiated Cost Items
RSA 273-A:1 IV
Benefit of collective bargaining agreement requiring an appropriation
Official Ballot
RSA 40:13
Ballot used in SB2 municipalities for elections and all business
Optional Fiscal Year
Rev 1902.02
July 1 through June 30 budget year
Procedural Defect
RSA 31:5-b, II
RSA 40:16
Minor defect of a meeting that can be fixed at a “procedural defect” meeting
Proprietary Funds
Rev 1703.04(c)
Enterprise funds which may be used to account for operations similar to private business enterprises funded by user charges
RSA 32:3, V
Goal or aim to be accomplished; line item on DRA budget forms
Raise and Appropriate

Identify a source of revenue and authorize the expenditure of it
Rev Rules

Rules adopted by state agencies

School Administration Unit
SB2 (Senate Bill 2)
RSA 40:13
RSA 40:14
Alternative form of municipal government requires 2 sessions; final vote is by ballot
Special Warrant Article
RSA 32:3, VI
Article that falls within the definition contained in the RSA; requires recommendations of governing body and budget committee
Sum Certain
RSA 32:3, I
Appropriations must be for a specific amount, not an unspecified amount
Supplemental Appropriation

Additional appropriation made within the current year
Surety Bond
Rev 1903
RSA 41:6
Insurance policy to cover losses suffered through the acts of a municipal official or employee
Surplus (unassigned fund balance)
Rev 1110.02(d)
An excess balance sheet amount that can be used to offset appropriations to reduce tax rate at the tax rate setting. See fund balance 
“Sweep” Article

An all-inclusive warrant article that essentially requires a double vote on appropriations. DO NOT DO THIS!
Tally Votes
RSA 32:5, V-a
Recorded votes of governing body and budget committee on budget items or any warrant articles included with article
RSA 33:7
Tax Anticipation Notes - Borrowing in anticipation of tax receipts
Tax Impact
RSA 32:5, V-b
Notation stating the estimated tax impact of an appropriation contained in a proposed warrant article: to be determined by governing body
10% Rule
RSA 32:18
RSA 32:18-a
Voted budget can’t be more than 10% above budget committee’s recommended budget as reported on the MS-737 and MS-27
Town means School
RSA 194:1
In connection with government, improvement, support and administration
Uniform Chart of Accounts
Rev 1701.12
Account titles, descriptions and numbering classification system established by the department of revenue
Village District
RSA 52
Rev 2001.15
Municipal entity within a town that holds a separate budgetary meeting and has its own tax rate, governing body, and voters (precinct)
"Warned” Purpose
RSA 39:2
Subject matter stated on the posted warrant to be discussed at meeting
Warrant for Meeting
RSA 39:2
RSA 39:5
Document posted with budget prior to meeting; containing date and location of meeting, a list of all issues and appropriations to be addressed; signed by governing body.